Who is this Sottolano guy? Bruce.jpg

A father's day card from my son Mark.


The following are interests of mine:

Ending the specious abortion issue.

SOCKY: "MISSING SOCK MYSTERY UNRAVELED" (© 1988 B.Sottolano) the story of what happens to the missing sock in the laundry. Click here to see Socky (PetSock)

If you would like your own personal PetSock or would like to give one as a gift. Please use the link above for more Socky lore and how to order and be sure to include the address of the recipient. It really is a great gift for children and adults. . . . You will get a Socky with a certificate of authorization (suitable for framing) to wear unmatched socks, instructions for care and wear are included. Each socky also comes with a place mat.

PROJECT UNHOOK: On site residential energy capture, storage and consumption. I know where to buy solar roofing that you install just like regular roofing except you wire the roof into your own local system.

RELIGION and PSYCHOLOGY: For years I have been working on several book ideas. The main book to be is "WITHOUT PERSPECTIVE: An Objective Look At Religion"

COPLEY PAINTING: It looks original to me. It reportedly came from England a number of years ago and came into my hands to pay off a debt. Please let me know if you can identify the painting or subject.

Here he is, Whoever he is

Click on either image for a larger view.
Sticker on back of frame "2486"

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